Electronix Express

Circuit Powered Logic Probe with Audio Beeper, TTL and CMOS, 20MHz Max Frequency

SKU: 01LP610

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  • Regular price $21.50

This circuit-powered beeping logic probe is designed for troubleshooting fast logic circuits. It features TTL and CMOS compatibility, switch-selectable pulse detection or pulse memory function, LED indicators for Hi and Low, and Pulse/Memory, minimum pulse width detection of 30 nanoseconds and a maximum input frequency of 20MHz.


  • Circuit powered logic probe designed for troubleshooting fast logic circuits
  • Tests TTL and CMOS logic families
  • Minimum pulse width detection of 30 nanoseconds and a maximum input frequency of 20MHz
  • Two sound audio beeper and LED indicators for Hi and Low
  • Switch-selectable pulse detection or pulse memory function

Electrical Specifications:

  • Power Supply: 5-15Vdc
  • Power Supply Protection: 20VDC/VAC
  • Maximum Input voltage: 40VDC/VAC (duration <15 seconds)
  • Maximum Input Signal Frequency: 20MHz
  • Input Impedance: 1MΩ
  • Pulse Indicator Flash Time: 500mS
  • Operating Temperature: 0°~40°C, relative humidity < 80%
  • Storage Temperature: -20°~50°C, relative humidity < 85%
  • Size: 7.83" x 0.82" x 0.78"
  • Weight: 1.4 ounces

Minimum Detectable Pulse Width:

Frequency 1kHz 1k ~ 20kHz 20k ~ 20MHz
Pulse Width
100ns 50ns 30ns
Pulse Amplitude +3V


Input Signal Level LED Indication Buzzer
Logic "1" TTL: >2.3±0.2Vdc
CMOS: >70%Vcc ±10%
HI (Red) ON
HI (Red) ON
Fixed Tone
Fixed Tone
Logic "0" TTL: <0.8V±0.2Vdc
CMOS: <30%Vcc ±10%
LO (Green) ON
LO (Green) ON
Fixed Tone
Fixed Tone
Bad Logic Level
or Open Circuit
None No Tone
Square Wave < 200Hz HI and LO blinks
at frequency rate
Variable Tone
at frequency rate
Square Wave > 200Hz HI and LO may
or may not be ON
Variable Tone
at frequency rate
Narrow Hi Pulse TTL: >2.3±0.2Vdc
CMOS: >70%Vcc ±10%
LO blinking intensity
depends on pulse
duty cycle
Variable Tone
at frequency rate
Narrow Lo Pulse TTL: <0.8V±0.2Vdc
CMOS: <30%Vcc ±10%
HI blinking intensity
depends on pulse
duty cycle
Variable Tone
at frequency rate