Plastic container with flexile dividers. Contains 90 components:
- LEDs (20 Different kinds)
- LED Displays
- Photocells (2)
- Linear ICs (2 ea) 555, 741, 386
- Regulators (2 ea) 7805, 7812, LM317-T
- Transistors (2 ea) 2N3904, 2N3906, PN2222, 2N3055
- Diodes (2 ea) 1N4007, 1N4148, 1N4728, 1N4733, 1N4739, 1N4744
- Bridge Rectifiers (2) RS406
- Inductors (1 ea) 10µh, 33µh, 47µh, 100µh, 1mh, 10mh, 33mh, 100mh
- Relays (5V & 12V)
- Microphone, Speakers and Buzzer
- 9V Battery Swap
- Trim Pots (1K, 10K, 50K, 100K, 1M)
- Switches (2 ea) push button, SPST slide, DPDT slide, 8 pos DIP
- Resistor Guide and Capacitor Guide
- Wire Cutter Stripper
- DC Motor (3V, 9V)
- Prototype Board (0302PB10) and Breadboard (03MB102)